Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vocab #4


The Word: Enviable

Part of Speech: Adjective

The Source Sentence and (Page Number): "Even though their condominium has only a tiny garden, they have managed to cultivate an enviable cornucopia of figs, pomegranates, sweet lemons, and herbs." Funny in Farsi pg. 98

Context Clues: To cultivate. Also, cornucopia of figs, pomegrantes, sweet lemons, and herbs are enviable.

Definition: worthy of envy; very desirable.

Your Original Sentence: Working at the cash register is an enviable job position.



The Word: Equinox

Part of Speech: Noun

The Source Sentence and (Page Number): "For twelve days after the equinox, people visit relatives and friends, always starting with the eldest." Funny in Farsi pg. 106

Context Clues: None

Definition: The time when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator, making night and day of approximately equal length all over the earth and occurring about March 21 (vernal equinox or spring equinox) and September 22 (autumnal equinox).

Your Original Sentence: During the equinox, Hamlet transformed into Juliet.



The Word: Tutelage

Part of Speech: Noun

The Source Sentence and (Page Number): "I had been taking French since seventh grade, and under the tutelage of my high school teacher, Mr. Polkingharn, affectionately known as Le Polk, I had become quite fluent." Funny in Farsi pg. 130

Context Clues: Under the tutelage of my high school teacher sounds like the teaching of my high school teacher.

Definition: The act of guarding, protecting, or guiding; office or function of a guardian; guardianship.

Your Original Sentence: Under the tutelage of my art teacher, I learned how to draw better.


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